Welcome to The Keen Witch…

Magick for the Mundane


Hello! Abigail, The Keen Witch here. I am a witch, astrologer, diviner, and Reiki practitioner. My practice focuses on the application of cosmic energy, spirit and, healing into the mundane. My offerings are intended to not only be revelatory, and informative, but also inspire a desire to incorporate magic and the cosmos into the day to day. One of my favorite things is hearing back after a reading that a client was inspired to dive deeper into their own, personal spiritual journey after a reading. It brings me so much joy and is one of the many reasons I do what I do.

My Approach…

As a practitioner, my approach is grounded in astrology, years of sonic exploration, and a deep trust in my own intuition. There is boundless energy within the planetary orbits, the pulse of the cards, and the magic of sonic vibration. I resonate with these energies deeply and they are integral to my work with clients.

Astrology is a lens, a framework of understanding that connects us with the universe and the world around us. My astrological practice is rooted in traditional astrology, but the application is more akin to modern astrology. I strongly believe that are no “bad” placements, just as there are no “bad” cards. There are simply aspects and transits that are innately challenging, take more time, and require further exploration. My goal as an intuitive practitioner is to create a neutral space where my clients can find insight and activation on their journey to fulfillment and ease.

Over the years, my practice has shifted into spirit work and all of my offerings are guided by the magic within my practice. Tarot and Reiki Healing are also a part of my energetic practice and are ways that I also aid my clients in exploration, guidance, and support. A belief in magic or magical practice is not required to book or engage in my practice. Ultimately, my desire as a practitioner is to help my clients connect to themselves, access their desires and find expansion, fulfillment, and ease.

Cosmic Tuning

Cosmic Tuning

Free sound baths and meditations for Full and New Moons