Hello! Abigail, The Keen Witch here. I am a witch astrologer, diviner, and Reiki practitioner who practices cosmic and sonic magic. My focus is to enable my clients to connect to themselves and their deepest desires through the energy of the cosmos. My offerings are crafted to support your personal journey through life in tandem with my own magic. My thoughtful consultations are a reflection of my own natal chart, mercurial in nature with a fire for knowledge and a grounding in the mundane. An opera singer for many years, sonic vibrations as well as cosmic energy are the pillars of my practice. 

As a practicing witch, Abigail’s personal practice is rooted in equality and non-judgement. There is no place for bigotry in witchcraft. As a neurodivergent agender person, deconstructing systems and degendering both astrology, tarot, and witchcraft are a constant exercise. All beliefs, non-beliefs, gender expressions, and experiences of life are welcome with The Keen Witch.